Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fantasy Football Video

Check me out throwing out some football knowledge.

Just click here

Saturday, August 25, 2012

3 Days, 2 Runs, 1 Tired Guy

On Thursday,  the 23rd, I did an interval run at night, along the river on the Prairie Path. Having the only light I could see being the lighter colored rocks in the woods makes you move a little faster. Broken into 4 sprints, here are the times in order; #1 (1.5 miles )12:32, #2 (0.9 miles )7:29, #3 ( 0.9 miles) 7:04, #4 (1.5 )10:22   Here's my route. In total  4.8 miles, 37:29

 In the middle of one of my breaks, I decided to shoot a little video for my fantasy football video blog.

Then on Saturday, I went for a hot midday run from home  along Indian Trail Road, all the way to Eola.  Temps topped around 92 degrees between 3:30-4:30. It was hard  to not focus on how dry my mouth was getting. I would give myself a mouthful of water every 3-5 minutes, to make sure I didn't over heat. Didn't see any other runners out, so once again I am either the most extreme distance runner in the area or the dumbest. The out was around 2.9 miles which I did in 24:44 and my back time was 23:35. Nice negative split! Here's my route.
In total 5.8 miles, 48:20.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tennis, please!

On Saturday I got to do something that I hadn't done in awhile. I was finally able to have some time and someone to play tennis with. My buddy, Jim, invited me up to the local high school courts by his place. 

Before I left, I had checked the radar and I could see that there was a storm coming, but it looked like we would still be able to get in some good swings. The drive out was uneventful and no rain. By the time we started walking out to the courts it was starting to sprinkling. 

We were able to warm up but as soon as we started into playing a set it started to rain a little harder. As we played the wind picked up and well as the humidity. Then all of a sudden, I felt a really cold breeze and the humidity dropped and the storm got angrier. The rain turned colder and harder, then into very small hail. The rain started coming don in sheets, but we continued to play. Having to account for 50mph gusts made the match interesting. We finally had to suspend play, because there was about a half inch of water on the court and on a soft serve or a ball with any kind of spin would just die in the water.

Today I'm watching a little Olympics, right now its the Men's Gold Medal Tennis match between Roger Federer and Andy Murray. I plan on doing my quick circuit routine of Pushups, Pullups, Planks, Flutter Kicks, Curls, Flys & Situps, before I go for a run. Not sure how far I will go or even where, but i need to go for one. Anyways, hopefully I'll be back on later tonight with my run info.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm the worst Blogger ever!

Sunday, July 27th
Another Run with Bobby, this one was on the Prairie Path W1, as well as many more to come.

Distance - 4.5 miles
Time - 36:21=total, 19:03/out, 17:17/back
Pace - 8:04

Tuesday, July 31
After going to Hollywood Casino and stuffing myself on the buffet then watching Vanessa win big, then proceeded to refuse to walk away from the machine as it took all her money. Needless to say I needed to go for a run.

I decided to head east on the Prairie Path E1. Yesterday I dicovered the Woodland Swamp County Forest Preserve with a trail. It ends up onto Felten Rd. which ends up back at the path. The only problem with the prairie path is the buzzing from the electrical wires, it gives me a headache if I'm under it too long. So I sidetracked and on the way back home I cut through a park up to Molitor and head back home. Overall it was a fairly short run, but I pushed it and it was nice to get back out.

My calendar is now full of days to run. Since we've moved into the new place I have been putting things in my sight line to remind me to do pullups or pushups. I've noticed my self feeling stronger and having more energy, which is awesome. Now back to work for the next 48 hours, then I get my weekend off hopefully be bck on here and talking about a run on Friday as well as my updated, Year to Date Total Miles!

Dist - 2.7 miles
Time - 19:40/loop
Pace - 7:16