Friday, September 30, 2011

Still making progress...

I've been doing pretty well keeping up with a circuit training plan that I've come up with over the last week or so, I will figure out a way to post my Excel spreadsheet, in the workout tracker. Otherwise I'm going to have to catch back up with my postings on here.

I had my 10 week doctor's appontment today. He said everything looks good and that I should start doing two legged standing heel lifts. Which I have done today, the tendon is super sore when I do them. I only have been able to do about 15 up til now, 5 at a time. I've got a long way to go but I did I really extensive workout today, so I'm feeling good. 20 mins on the bike was enjoyable, it was the first time I've done cardio for more then 5-8 mins swimming or biking before. I need to find a lap pool close by.

I was motivated to do a bunch of exercises after watching the coverage of the Ironman Kona 2010 again. I'm glad it was on. Thank you Universal Sports!

Time to unwind and finally watch Transformers 3! G'night.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have been slacking on my workouts, but I've been full throttle getting a full time job. I did start up yesterday doing 290 Pushups, 210 Situps. Today I also did a workout which I will post on my workout tracker page. Until next time.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Long Time No Type...

The last couple weeks have been a little crazy. With dealing with trying to find another job and with Vanessa's health up and down, I haven't been able to keep up with everything that I have wanted to.

My Achilles is healing pretty well. I'm off crutches since I went to my doc on Sep. 2, otherwise I'm in my walking boot all the time. I have been able to walk in shoes again, but its more of a limp then a natural stride. My next appointment is at the end of the month and we will work on pushing off in a shoe and hopefully my boot will be retired.

I got inspired to write today after reading Vanessa's old track coach's blog. She just finished the Ironman Madison over the weekend, and once again, all those feeling of wanting to run and train started juicing through my veins. I have a plan of buying a bike, wetsuit and a gym membership once I'm able to find and keep a full time job. But in the meantime, I'm stuck living out my workouts in my head.

I also have been very lazy while dealing with all the stress over the last few weeks, when I know that doing any type of exercise will benefit me, even if its just to burn off some steam, but I haven't been able to force myself. Once everything settles I'm making it more then my top priority.

To all of you with runs and races coming up, I wish you the best of luck in the race and for good health.