Tuesday's Run Route - Run to the River Lot
Total Miles - 4.3
Total Time - 38:45 out-19:54 back 18:51
Pace - 9:00 min/mile
Wednesday's Run Route - Run to Indian Trail
Total Miles - 2.5
Total Time - 21:31 out-10:57 back-10:34
Pace - 8:36 min/mile
The last few days have been some of the toughest ones ever. So far the only way to get a clear head was to go for a run. Having not really done to much at all over the summer, makes me very disappointed. My year-to-date total is 149.9 miles. Which is well below what I wanted to be at so far this year, and my 2 races are much less then I wanted to do. With new found energy, I've been hitting the pavement hard this week and hoping to avoid previous weeks, where I end up following them up with nothing is a thing of the past. I still plan on trying to qualify for an Ironman Triathlon by the time I'm 35, now I just have a little more work to do.
I am also hoping to find some causes to run for. My obvious first few choices are anything for Mental Health, Concussion Awareness and Rehab, & Cystic Fibrosis. If any of you have any specific runs or charities for either of these please post below. I'm also up for any other 5K/10K/Half or Marathon that would support a worthy cause. If there are any runners who have been doing this for awhile and have good ideas for fundraising, please let me know.
As many of you know Vanessa has been overcoming her head trauma injury, but still has a long way to go. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She is the kindest and sweetest girl I've ever meet, and has unfairly had to battle so many things that she never deserved to deal with. Keep her in your thoughts. I run for her.
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