After a long lay off of nothing, I'm slowly getting back into getting my runs in. It also helps that I have signed up for the
Soldier Field 10 Mile, it forces me into running so I don't waste my money when I show up downtown and can barely finish. Anyways, here is what I've done over the last week.

4.05 Mile Run, After many months of missing the
Naperville Riverwalk, I managed to squeeze in a run while
Vanessa had an appointment. It was fun running along the river's edge and listening to the high water crash against the shores.
SUNDAY - Nothing
MONDAY - Nothing
25 Push-ups, I've been able to knock out some push-ups on my breaks at work.
50 Push-ups
4.37 Mile Run, I ran along Theodore Ave. & Ridge Rd. in Plainfield after work. Night runs are always nice because the temps are a little cooler and its very quiet. Even though I had the headphones on, I still enjoy a run with no one else out and chasing my shadow from the moon light. Also did
90 Push-ups at work
FRIDAY - So far today at work I've knocked out
100 Push-ups. Ive been keeping track of all my Pushups on the dry erase board in the conference room. I'll also try to use the dumbbells that my co-worker has in his office to do some curls, shrugs or lunges when I have the time.
Not much planned this weekend, after all the activity we did last weekend, I still feel as if I need to catch up on sleep.Probably will sneak a run in on Saturday and if I can get up for one on Sunday, Ill be happy. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Until next time...