I've gotten a bit of a cold over the weekend. My nose has been congested and have been experiencing a sore throat. Yesterday I went to
Caputo's to grab some fruit and throat lozenges. My head cold persisted, so now I'm thinking of getting up and going for a run. I have had a bunch of water, peach and banana and read a little bit on
Runner's World. It just made me want to see if going for a short jog would help loosen up some of the congestion, because it usually does. Just my same old loop around
Commissioner's Park.

Distance - 3.2 miles
Time - 24:04
Pace - 7:31 min/mile
Temp - 63℉
Avg. HR - 187 bpm
Peak HR - 204 bpm
kCal - 450
Out - 7:10
Loop - 9:42
Back - 7:12
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