Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fantasy Video and 1000 Views!!

Here's the link to my Weeks 1 & 2 Video. Also thanks to everybody, I'm gonna make it over 1000 page views!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weekend Runs

I managed to get a couple weekend runs in one Saturday and one on Monday. Still don't know how far they were I'll find out that tonight.

Here are some notes I wrote down about Satruday's Run. May not make any sense, but at least I'll know what it means and it can help me remember how that run went. Here you go:

Total Miles - 6.9
Total Time - 55:41  out-27:53 back 27:48
Pace - 8:04 min/mile
# - 169.2
Temp - 77* 30% Humidity 2mph NW

Started off chasing biker on PPath
Lots of Cattails along the river
Heat hit me hard to start
Quick pace
Stops at Crossing
Lots of Wildlife; bunnies, butterflies, squirrels & birds
All the way to River Rd, Construction
Someones dog wanted to run with me
Hispanic Festival and Carnival in parking lot.
Boat on the river made some calming waves on the shore

40 Pushups before run
35 Pushups after
10 Pullups

Monday's Run

Total Miles - 2.5
Total Time - 19:25  out-9:59 back-9:26
Pace - 7:46 min/mile

Friday, September 14, 2012

Draft Board

Here are some shots of the draft board. A little late but oh well. Fantasy Video should be up on Sunday.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Day for Andrea!!

An idea inspired by my Aunt Janet, turned into a bittersweet day. Vanessa and I are so grateful that Meleah was able to get a new pair of lungs to finally have the chance to breathe. At the same time we know someone or in this case a family had to lose a daughter. We all thank Andrea for being a donor, and our hearts go out to her family on what would have been her 17th birthday. You can check out all the other people flying balloons around the world for Andrea, here.

I'm a donor, are you?

Friday, September 7, 2012

Challenge failed!

Yesterday I challenged myself to do a short run before work. I did wake up to my alarms, but I didn't get out of bed. At the time, my stomach was not doing very well and continued to bother me most of the day. Also my allegries were really asking up so it was hard to breathe.

Excuses, Excuses!

Maybe by some miracle I'll actually wake up and get up tomorrow, even though I work 2 hours earlier then I did today. Well I'm going to make myself do some pullups and pushups before I go to bed, maybe that will carry over into the morning and motivate me out the door and onto the trails.

Happy running everyone!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

YTD Totals

So far in 2012, I have ran 127.9 miles. It's a much lower number then what I was hoping to have by this point in the year. I've got a lot of miles to make up if I'm going to be anywhere near my New Year's Resolution of 500 miles. Only 372.1 miles to go!!

Cat Video...

I have started producing a cat video of our little friends. I figure cat videos can drum up a lot of attention and I've got some cute kitties. Here's an uneventful preview:

I Challenge Myself To....

I challenge myself to run the route I did today, tomorrow morning before work. If I get up at 10 am I'll have plenty of time to get to work at noon. I ran west on the prairie path, taking a shortcut through the neighboring parking lot of one of the apartment complexes on my street which is next to the path.

Down the path and crossing over Church St. and underneath the dense canopy of the forest trail, which made it feel much more humid then it actually was. Coming to a clearing of trees you get to feel the cool air for about 35 seconds before being engulfed by the tree cover. Sprinting all the way to the northern edge of the trail on Indian Trail Rd. Then turning around and picking up stride in hopes of cutting 2 minutes off my time on the way back.

Zooming down the trail with the dark night looming,  I was consistently checking my 6,  I was always making sure it was clear. It makes you go so much faster when you just pretend that someone is chasing you through the woods, as long as you keep your form. The way back was a LOT faster, and was under a beautiful sunset sky of pinks, purples, and blues. It felt good to go fast and to get a good sweat in, in such a short time. Well here are the numbers:

Distance - 2.5 miles
Time :19:08, 10:19-out 8:49-back
Pace - 7:39 per mile
Temp - 75*
Hum - 53%
Wgt - 172.5 #

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Purple Balloon Release for Andrea

My cousin, Meleah, received a double lung transplant from Andrea Cleveland, who would have turned  17 this Saturday, Sept 8. Take a picture of yourself releasing a purple balloon by 1pm and post here with your name and location. Thank you for your support.

Coming soon...

Work on Week 1 Fantasy Football Video is underway. We will have a Draft Breakdown, Trivia, Highlights and a Field Goal! Look for it next week!

Follow me @rondog24 on Twitter
Youtube Channel: boatonthewater
Facebook - Profile

Also should have my Year-to-Date mileage in the near future.

Last Saturday's Run

Took Molitor down to Church and went north over the closed bridge over Interstate 88 and through the construction on the other side. Once over I wove my way threw corporate warehouses and small start-ups. As I reached the top of warehouse hill I could see a few houses and a narrow counrty road would be my path. Having to jump from the ditch to the road as cars came by became a point of focus to distract myself from the steep climb over another bridge crossing back south over 88. I passed cute small houses packed together in the neighborhood behind the Church St. Park. Then I found myself home.

The run had some mist sprinkled in throughout the entire run. Which felt amazing and kept me cool

Here's my route.

Distance - 4.5 miles
Time : 39:07
Pace - 8:41 per mile